Friday, June 24, 2011

Demonstration on the Usage of Conjunctions, Logical and Sequence Connectors

From the previous blog, you have learnt about conjunctions, logical and sequence connectors. However, it only shows the categories and also the function of each category.

In this blog, I will show you one example of the usage of each category.


1. To show things of similar functional value - I love dancing and singing.

2. To show contrast - Adam is clever but he is lazy.

3. To show concession - Although he is lazy, he is clever.
(Note: unlike Chinese and Malay language, never use "but" after using "although", "though", etc.)

4. To indicate alternatives - What do you want? Coffee or tea?

5. To show reason - Alice was absent yesterday because she was sick.

6. To indicate purpose - School bullying has been a hot issue lately. Measures must be taken in order to solve this problem.

7. To express time - Please give me a call when you arrive.

8. To indicate condition - If you want to succeed, you have to be hardworking.

9. To indicate place - My dog follows me wherever I go.

10. To indicate result - You did the mistake so you must be responsible for that.

Logical Connectors

1. To show connection between actions and consequences - Albert is a mischievous kid. As a result, his friends always stay away from him.

2. To show contrasting ideas - Ms. Samantha is a dedicated teacher. However, she is bad-tempered.

3. To introduce a new idea or provide extra information - I don't really want to go. Besides, it is too late now.

4. To introduce a similar idea - The United States won most of the track and field events. Similarly, in swimming, the top three places went to Americans.

Sequence Connectors

To get to the museum, first, go straight along this street. Then, turn left when you reach a T-junction. After that, go straight again and you will reach the museum.


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