Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Please Touch Bread with a Tongue?

Tongue is a soft piece of flesh in your mouth that is used for tasting, speaking, etc.

Tongs is a tool with two long parts joined at one end, used for picking up things.

I wouldn't buy any bread from a bakery that allows customers to touch their bread with tongues instead of tongs. Unhygienic and sloppy, isn't it?

Monday, June 26, 2023

Of Salon and Saloon

SALON and SALOON are poles apart, yet there are those who keep mixing the two.

A 'salon' is a commercial establishment for beauty (there are a few other meanings as well, but for the purpose of this particular discussion, this one suffices), so it's a beauty salon, not beauty saloon.
A 'saloon', on the other hand, is a pub/bar/tavern (of course there are other meanings to saloon too, but we are not going there).
If you go to a salon, chances are you'll come out stone-cold sober and with your beautiful coiffure; but you are likely to leave a saloon drunk as a lord and with your hair dishevelled.