Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Bite-sized Story: Mrs. Hughes's Christmas

Mrs. Hughes's Christmas

by Vincent Teh

She was sitting on her rocking chair at the porch, gently moving back and forth.

It was a cold starry night. Night breeze was blowing. The swaying leaves were whispering and crickets humming harmoniously.
She was solemnly looking at the night sky where countless stars shone and the moon shyly hid in the clouds.
Her neighbours next door were talking and cheering merrily. Their house windows were emitting bright fluorescent light of jollity. The mirth permeated the windy night.
She was still silently sitting on her rocking chair amidst the delightful cheers. The wind went stronger. She slowly stood up and walked into her house, where dim light was flickering through the windows...
It was another lonely Christmas night for Mrs. Hughes...

***The End***

I wrote this bite-sized story in a bus when I was on my trip back to my hometown in Malaysia from Singapore.